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Signal and Wait or Signal and Continue

Are you perhaps on the ship and have recently given an order?
They might be waiting for your signal to continue their default behavior.
Talk to the captain or comm him/her

Yes I can solve the issue, no problem, but that's strange, I don't see why they ask for that instead to reverting to 'on hold and wait'.

That's one of my scout ship exploring a sector ...

Oh by the way, is there an order where they fly and then revert to default behavior. When I move a scout to another sector, I would like him to finish the moves I ask and then proceed directly to exploring.

Exploring was removed as a default behavior however you can still give it as an order, just make it the last one on the list and you can queue several of them. It's a right click menu option.

Is this the icon when you get when a ship is being "stop & searched" by the police?

stop and search by police? Also I think it appears in support ships when a repair / rearm is booked, possibly to prevent the support ship from wandering off beforehand.

Well, more generally, if I have a behavior or automine but want to relocate a miner ... I always end up having the miner with move & wait, and I need to cancel the last order so it reverts to his behavior.

I would like something were I relocate the miner and once it has moved it uses its behavior

Move and wait seems to cause a number of issues, a lot of time you give fleet orders, you have to cancel the wait to get it to continue with whatever you want it to do. especially as you say when you tell a ship to move to x, then join a new commander.
Maybe when you have a stop and wait, the next order in the queue should change the wait to 30 seconds or 60 seconds to avoid this issue.

When I see it, it usually means a ship is being scanned by the police with the global 'comply' order. When I'm not nearby anyway.

When I am nearby, usually on the same ship or station, that signal pops up if I order a docked ship to undock, or if I was just controlling the ship in question and relenquished control to the main pilot. In either case, just removing that order will fix the issue, or talking to the pilot and selecting "proceed with current orders".

Check your global order settings. They default to "wait for signal" for you to press F and instruct them.

It also happens if your aboard a ship that lands and go wandering about the station, they'll wait for you to board before taking off. Not sure what happens when you teleport away, sometimes they might get stuck on that?

In the scout scenario it's probably found a lockbox and your global order is set to "wait" rather than open or ignore.

Generally I only see "Wait for signal" when I have been on the ship. The pilot is giving me time to get off the ship if I choose before they leave.

I can't think of a single time when "wait for signal" was a desired behavior. I wish they would patch it out.

Originally posted by Pathogenic:

I can't think of a single time when "wait for signal" was a desired behavior. I wish they would patch it out.

Well there needs to be a default 'non' setting, and it does the job of prompting you to choose a better setting.

Some ships you want to collect lockboxes, other ships (like slow trade haulers) you want to ignore them and at the start of the game, you probably don't know the setting is even an option so "wait for signal" is a good way of educating.

It's also perfect when you hop off a ship to do some shopping to prevent it flying away, although i do wish there was a "fly to" setting without the "... and wait". Sometimes i don't want them to wait, i just want to temp relocate them.

Last edited by Asmosis; 13 Jul, 2020 @ 11:44am

Originally posted by Asmosis:

...although i do wish there was a "fly to" setting without the "... and wait". Sometimes i don't want them to wait, i just want to temp relocate them.

There is. Right click anywhere, or on anything, and there will be a 'fly to...' command. The ship will only "wait" if that is the last order in its queue, default behaviors notwithstanding.

IMO there needs to be a general "DROP EVERYTHING AND DO THIS COMMAND NOW:" modifier for all orders.
